Monday, August 27, 2012

Family Photo Shoot

Our family received a wonderful gift one year ago today. A friend and neighbor of mine knew of a local photographer that was looking to photograph a family with unique circumstances. My friend wrote the photographer about us, and we were chosen to receive the photo shoot for free. We were overwhelmed with gratitude.

Keri Dummerth came to our home and spent about three hours taking photos of the three of us. She told us just to do what we normally do, and she would click away. She made it fun and so easy, and she took the most beautiful photos. Our family will treasure them forever. Click here to see the post on Keri's blog about our photo shoot.

Check out more of Keri's photos on some of my earlier posts. And here are some more of my favorites (you'll notice we removed Cole's feeding tube so we could see his whole, beautiful face):




Thank you so, so much again Keri!